Georgi Baev

Georgi Baev - Jurlata was born on November 9, 1924 in Burgas. In 1949, he graduated in painting at the Art Academy in Sofia, in the class of Prof. Iliya Petrov and Prof. Dechko Uzunov. His active participation in artistic life began in the 1960s, when he became a member of the SBH - he organized solo exhibitions in Sofia and Burgas, exhibited his works in London, Moscow, Vienna, Budapest, Nicosia, Limassol, Linz, Tunisia. Georgi Baev's great love for the sea predetermines the choice of the theme of the water element as the semantic dominant of his entire work. Baev's seascape stands out among the many traditional interpretations of the subject by other Bulgarian marine painters: with an unexpectedly bright and saturated color, Baev's canvases create a feeling of the static beauty of the sea and the proximity of the dream horizon. The strongest and most productive period for the artist was the 1980s.The burning passion with which Baev painted during these years came literally from the power of fire: in 1983, a fire in his studio destroyed the fruits of many years of creativity. However, the difficult moment did not break the will of the artist, on the contrary, it made him ambitious to create a new cycle of compositions. The names of the paintings are indicative of the turning point in Baev's art: "Aggression", "Apocalypse Now", "Ordinary Fascism", "The other day after the atomic bomb", "Drowning", "Memories". The artist even weaves parts of the burned works into these subsequent works of his.In the last decade of his life, Baev also painted mountain landscapes - he created a cycle of paintings from the Rhodopes.

In 1986, Baev became the winner of the Herder Prize of the Vienna Academy of Arts. He is featured in the 34-volume dictionary of arts of the London publishing house "Macmillan", repeatedly nominated for "Man of the Year", "Persons with influence", "Who's Who" of American and English biographical institutes.Baev is also an honorary member and corresponding member of the Austrian Association of Artists "Künstler Haus" - Vienna; Honorary Member and Corresponding Member of the Japanese Association of Artists "Nika-kai". He is the winner of the "Vladimir Dimitrov – Maystora" award, as well as many other national and international awards.

Participated in solo and group exhibitions in the USA, Mexico, Germany, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, USSR, Yugoslavia, Switzerland, China, India, Indonesia, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, etc. His works are owned by galleries and private collectors worldwide.